The role of electrical insulating board is in the electrical equipment to the potential of different charged part of the isolated. Therefore, the insulation material should first have a high insulation resistance and pressure strength, and to avoid leakage, breakdown and other accidents. Second, the heat resistance is better, to avoid long-term overheating and aging deterioration; In addition, there should be good thermal conductivity, resistance to lightning and high mechanical strength and ease of processing and so on. According to the above requirements, commonly used laminated compressed wood performance indicators are dielectric strength, tensile strength, specific gravity, expansion coefficient.
Electrician commonly used insulating materials according to their different chemical properties, can be divided into inorganic insulation materials, organic insulation materials and mixed insulation materials. Commonly used inorganic insulation materials are:EPGC203 mica, asbestos, marble, porcelain, glass, sulfur, etc., mainly used for electrical, electrical winding insulation, switch the bottom plate and insulators. Organic soldering frames are: shellac, resin, rubber, cotton yarn, paper, linen, rayon, etc., mostly used to manufacture insulating paint, winding wire insulation and so on. Mixed insulation materials for the above two kinds of materials from the processing of various molding insulation materials, used as electrical appliances of the base, shell and so on.